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A journey towards societal healing.

"I just read about your billboard in The Beach Reporter. I love the message "You Are Enough." These are words we seldom hear in our lives and we are told that we need to spend more, do more, and get more.  Language is one of our most powerful tools - whether spoken or written - and you have put three simple words together that are not just thought-provoking but can make a profound difference for those who really need to see them. Thank you!" — Cynthia, Redondo Beach

"Love the campaign!!! Everyone should support! You Are Enough is something we as people don't hear often and when we do is more surprising than it should be. We’re always told to do more, and to be better than the next person, when in reality we can only do the best we can. That should be ENOUGH ! I’m very excited to see this billboard go up and spread a positive message!! You Are Enough!!!!" — Isaac, Hermosa Beach

"Cathy, thank you so much for your campaign. I lost my mother to suicide two weeks ago. I live in Manhattan Beach and am finishing up high school. I thought that people in this town are safe from depression because they have money, big homes, and fancy cars. I really thought this. Now after my mom died, I can see how many people here are so sad and lost. Please call me or send me a text so that I can find a way to help our community that is hurting. The kids my age are feeling so lost and now that I have lost my mother I do not know how I am going to get through life. I want to help you with your campaign and want to get billboard after billboard up. We all need to hear the words You Are Enough. I know they are words that will give hope to many people. Thank you. Sincerely Sarah." — Sarah, Manhattan Beach, CA

"Congratulations on actualizing your vision for the "YOU ARE ENOUGH" Billboards. I find it moving as it truly connects us all. Thank you Cathy, looking forward to billboard #3." — Joan, Hermosa Beach, CA


"The “You Are Enough” campaign is bigger than religion or politics as it speaks to “ALL” of humanity. On some level, at some point in time, we “ALL” share the feeling of not enough-ness .... it is this vulnerability that connects us “ALL”. — John, Torrance, CA

"Cathy, when I first saw your billboard, it brought tears to my eyes.  I have been dealing with a lot of stress and had no idea how much it has been getting to me.   I have been feeling so low and not seen by those I am trying to help.  When I saw the billboard I felt like I was getting a big hug and that I was seen for being worthy.  I am trying so hard to help others and it means a lot to me that so many people have donated to this board to help others feel seen and supported.  Thank you!" — Patty, Redondo Beach

"Sometimes I struggle thinking I haven’t done enough in life or I question where my path is headed. Have you ever felt you weren’t enough? Well, I’m here to remind you that you ARE enough. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment. You are also enough to challenge the norm. You are enough to walk away from something or someone who doesn’t make you feel good. You are enough to start that dream project. You are enough to simple enjoy doing nothing. You are enough because you are a unique individual who’s path is yours. No one can take that away from you." — Anonymous

"Thank you to my social media friend Cathy Caplener of @self.enough for creating an amazing mental wellness campaign to help remind people that they matter. She was very kind to send me this t-shirt that I am proud to wear." — Lu Parker, KTLA

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