I am so, so, so, proud of this billboard that I launched in West Hollywood. I changed the design in honor of PRIDE 2023. Whenever I launch a billboard, I make an effort to go to the community where the billboard is and talk to the locals about how they lean into the words YOU ARE ENOUGH. I will admit, that folks in West Hollywood were the most supportive group of individuals I have ever met. They were kind, passionate, and at times a little sad when they talked about how they see themselves and their community as being seen ENOUGH. I made some amazing friends and now will make it a point to get a board up in this same location each year!
#youareenough #youareseen #youarenotalone #cometogether #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #depressionisreal #anxietysupport #nonprofitfundraising #nonprofitleadership #mentalhealthadvocate #believe #worthycause #selfworth
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